Welcome to the 6th Period Blog


This quarter we will be focusing our research on one country as we study culture. Contributing to this class blog is how you will display your research and be graded. Below you will find the topic question for the unit, the grading rubric, and websites to help you with research.

Country Blog Post Assignment

What is the culture of your assigned country and how has it been impacted by Covid-19?



Blog post to be completed each day must include the following:



  • Work includes two articles or websites that are properly cited

  • Citations should be at the bottom of the blog post


Culture Correctly Identified

  • The topic of culture for your country is correctly identified

  • Information has examples, charts, graphs, or pictures relevant to the country


Covid Connection

  • Answers the question, “How has the covid-19 response impacted…”

  • Relevant to the topic of culture for you country

Websites to use for research


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