Extra credit 10/28

  How does your country’s religion contribute to their values and traditions? 


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  2. My country's religion contributes to their values and traditions because them worshiping shows the respect they show. The repsect they shows helps contribute there traditions because if they respect one thing in religion they also have to respect another thing in tradition. For example maybe praying is a tradition since it relates to there religion.

  3. China's religion on Buddhism contributes to their values and tradition because their religion is how they come come together to show harmony and how they honor their ancestors. China's religion also contributes to their values because they have many statues and places/buildings the have created to show that religions is important to them and how they show loyalty to their country and their past. Their religion contributes to their tradition of how they live and treat others because they find that treating elders kindly is very important, and they have many big celebrations to show the importance of their relationship with their religion and family. Their religion contributes to their tradition because they have to dress a certain way on an exact day to show how they greatly value their religion.

  4. My country's religion does contribute to their values and traditions because Argentina prays for people to be safe and 51 million adult of America also are catholic and so that show respect to other country's.

  5. My country's religion contributes to its values and tradition by showing respect. In Buddhism, it's important to remember and honor their ancestors as it's believed when someone died their spirit lived in the afterworld. So by showing respect to the tradition some celebrate Obon which is a festival commemorating the spirits of the deceased.


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