China Religion


image title: Buddhist sculptures at Longmen Grottoes

Religious Background

The largest religious group in China is Buddhism and there are many different teachings of this. Buddhism was introduced/spread to China from India in early days before A.D. 100. Chinese also believe in Confucianism and Taoism as two other major religions taught throughout China's history. The other smaller religions that make up China's religion is Muslim, Uyghurs., and Christianity. And also China's communist destroyed many religious builds/statues after they took Christian missionaries job when these missionaries tried to destroy their main religion.

Buddhism and Covid-19

Monasteries in China have remained closed due to the Covid-19 pandemic, so it's believers can't practice/meditate their religion. Even though monasteries kept have closed the Barkhor is now open and people are being checked for temperatures in the entry and have to follow the restrictions to keep it open/safe. People who have tried to enter or refuse to leave the monasteries where forced to leave or they would be forbidden to return again to keep doing their practices. Many places of religious teachings like the Larung Gar Tibetan Buddhist Academy and Serta Larung Gar are not going to be open until May 1st according to the committee. When Labor day celebration happens nobody will be able to visit or go through the Buddhist center.



Edmonds, Richard Louis. "China." World Book Student, World Book, 2020,

LHASA'S HISTORIC BARKHOR DISTRICT OPENS, BUT MONASTERIES REMAIN CLOSED." States News Service, 28 Apr. 2020, p. NA. Gale OneFile: High School Edition


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