Nigeria Religion

 Nigeria Religion

By Kierra Allen - October 27, 2020


Religious Background

Igbo is one of the largest ethnic groups in Nigeria. The Igbo are also called the Ibo. About 27 million Igbo live mainly in southeastern Nigeria. They occupy Nigeria's highland plains, coastal areas, and tropical forests and valleys along the Niger River. Most Igbo make their living as farmers. Yams are their main crop. They also grow taro and cassava. The Igbo language has many dialects, reflecting a diverse and widespread population.

Igbo and Coronavirus 

Before the 1900s, the Igbo lacked a strong identity as a unified ethnic group. Some historians believe that the ancestors of the Igbo migrated to their present lands from regions farther north and west within the last few centuries. But archaeological evidence suggests that the Igbo have lived in their present area since prehistoric times. Traditional Igbo society consisted of confederations of villages and city-states (independent or nearly independent urban centers). A network of market centers supported a complex society. The Igbo had religious groups and workers in specialized trades


Worley, Barbara A. "Igbo." World Book Student, World Book, 2020, Accessed 27 Oct. 2020.



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