Cuba Religion

 Cuba Religion:

The Roman Catholic Church is the largest church in Cuba. Other Cubans also believe in other religions like Santeria, and others that combine African religious beliefs with Roman Catholic ceremonies. Groups of protesters with widespread membership in Cuba include Methodists, Baptists, and Presbyterians. A belief that the spirits of the dead can communicate with the living is called Spiritualism, its common in many areas. There is a small Jewish community concentrated mostly in Havana.

Citation: Kapcia, A 2020, 'Cuba' , World Book Student, World Book, Chicago, viewed 13 November 2020,

Covid-19 Impact:

Cuba is at high risk for Covid-19. Many travelers are recommended to avoid nonessential international travel. They recommended for older people to postpone all travel, including essential travel to Cuba. There ability to worship was also impacted because they are not ablle to gather in big groups. like they would probably usually do. Also the rules are really different when going to churches because everyone has to be at least 6 feet apart. Most likely is churches are going to worship they have to maximize the people who enter the church.

Citation: 2020, 'Cuba', COVID-19 in Cuba, viewed August 6, 2020 


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