India Way of life

Family life. The number of nuclear families that is, households that consist of only parents and their children is increasing, especially in cities.
Village life. Most of India's people live in villages. Most villagers are farmers who work in nearby fields. A typical Indian village is a collection of mud-and-straw dwellings.
Social structure. Indians, especially Hindus, have traditionally been organized into social groups called castes. A person's caste determines his or her social status. 
Food and drink. Rice, wheat, and other grains rank among the chief foods of India. Pulses, which are the seeds of such pod vegetables as beans, chickpeas, and lentils, are also widely consumed.
Education. The Indian Constitution provides for free education for children from age 6 through 14. Nearly all Indian children receive some schooling, but only about half of those 10 years of age or older continue their education. 

How did covid affect India way of life. Thousands of poor city migrants whose livelihoods have collapsed due to India's coronavirus measures headed back to their villages on Saturday, raising fears that the exodus could carry the virus to the countryside.


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