Cuba Way of Life

 Way of Life

Most people living in Cuba live in urban areas. Many people that live in cities have jobs related to government agencies or government-owned businesses. Some have there own private businesses and are self employed. The people on the rural areas work on farms or sugar mills. Some common foods people in Cuba eat are chicken, pork, rice, and beans. Rice and beans are the most common side dish for Cubans. One of the popular dishes is called "picadillo" which includes pork, ground beef, or veal mixed with garlic, tomatoes, onions, and other ingredients. Most Cubans favorite sport is Baseball which arrived in Cuba in the mid- to late 1800s, and rapidly became Cuba national pastime. Art in Cuba has distinguished tradition, the government of Cuba strongly supports art work. Paintings in Cuba are known for there strong colors, and portrayals of dramatic actions.

citation:Kapcia, Antoni. "Cuba." World Book Advanced, World Book, 2020, Accessed 19 Nov. 2020.

Coronavirus Impact on Economy

Cuba has always had lots of tourists and a vacation place for people to go. With many people not following Covid-19 rules Cuba has been getting lots of cases since the beginning. On April 12 of this year Cuba reported 1,189 cases and 40 deaths.The Cuban government is trying to provide all he can, but its never enough to lower the cases. On March 20th there were only 21 confrimed cases which led Cuba to ban all tourists arrivals, and for many people it was hard as well because Cuba was trying to be extra careful too not gain anymore cases. Many people living in Cuba went into immediate panic and began going to stores so they could stock up. This panic cause many lines to be formed outside of most stores. 

citation:"Cuba on the edge; Bello." The Economist, vol. 435, no. 9191, 25 Apr. 2020, p. 26(US). Gale OneFile: High School Edition Accessed 19 Nov. 2020.


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