China Way of Life


 Background of China's way of Living

The Chinese live in small villages made of mud tiles(rural area) because of working in farms for low income this has for some people changed because now improvements like tile/roof has been made the people can now afford this because they went from working in farms to working in city factories(higher pay). Grain are the most popular food and tea is the most popular drink. People of religious/ethnic groups wear special costumes and headgear(religion is very important), and the most popular religions are Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism. China's most popular sports are soccer, basketball, and table tennis. Going to school is important to China because it shows as a sign of reaching their goals. The Communist government made a change that woman are equal to men because it used to be men are more important.

Coronavirus China's way of living

The coronavirus has affected the holidays because there is now strict lockdowns due to major spreading of this harmful virus. People are now forced to wear masks and practice social distance during big events they celebrate(Thanksgiving,Christmas,etc.) because they don't want the virus to spread to infect more people. The coronavirus has also affected the economy because many people have lost their jobs, but is now stable again people people now work from home. COVID-19 has affected them because they are now more cautious of the virus this is the reason they made labs so people can quarantine to get better.


Edmonds, Richard Louis. "China." World Book Advanced, World Book, 2020,
"Life in China returning to normal: Business Insider." Xinhua News Agency, 19 Oct. 2020, p. NA. Gale OneFile: High School Edition


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