
Showing posts from November, 2020

Israel way of life

 Way of life  Israel has a relatively high way of life they have the income levels are similar to the income levels of European countries such as Spain and Greece. The life expectancy in Israel is ranked among some of the highest in the world. It has an excellent system of health and medical care. Many of the cities are built on ancient cites but they also have large and modern areas. They feature high rise apartments and office buildings. Like Urban areas in all countries the biggest problems involve are rapid growth. Roads and houses sometimes fail to keep up with the demands. There is large traffic congestion and pollution has become a larger problem in some of the larger cites.  Coronavirus impact on way of life  As coronavirus started Israel initiated a lock down which threatened the economy and the luxury a lot of the people lived in. Soon the infections lowered to the single digits and Israel lifted the lock down. The leaders believe that the restrictions were lifted to soon and

South Korea Way of Life

  South Korea Way of Life Because of South Korea economic and political ties with Western Nations they began to fall under the influence of western culture. Many Koreans who live in the rural area live in single-houses that are made of bricks or concrete blocks with roofs of cement tiles/slates. South Koreans clothing are like any European, American, Asian developed countries but "hanbok" which is traditional clothing worn on special occasion consists of long, full skirt, tight-fitting jacket on women and loose-fitting trousers,shirts, and jackets for men. Rice is a stable for many Korean dishes and is often served with a popular dish called kimchi that's made of highly spiced mixture of pickled radish and cabbage. Tea is also a traditional beverage and a popular adult drink is soju, makgeolli(rice wine), and western wine. Baseball, boxing, golf, soccer, table tennis,volleyball, wrestling, and martial arts are some sports Koreans interest in. South Korean find reading nov

Japan Way of Life

Japan living and expressing themselves About 92 percent of the Japanese people live in urban areas ,  The prosperity of Japanese society is visible in these cities. The downtown streets are filled with expensive, late-model automobiles and are lined with glittering high-rise buildings. The buildings house expensive apartments, prosperous firms, fashionable department stores, and elegant shops. Most Japanese people who live in cities and suburbs enjoy a high standard of living. Many work in banks, hotels, offices, and stores. Others hold professional or government jobs. n traditional homes, the rooms are separated by sliding paper screens, which can be rearranged as needed. Straw mats called  tatami  cover the floors. People sit on cushions and sleep on a type of padded quilt called a  futon.  Today, many Japanese apartments and houses have one or more rooms fitted with carpets instead of tatami and containing Western-style chairs and tables. Coronavirus Impact on Way of Life    It is a

China Way of Life

   Backgrou nd of  China's way of Living The Chinese live in small villages made of mud tiles(rural area) because of working in farms for low income this has for some people changed because now improvements like tile/roof has been made the people can now afford this because they went from working in farms to working in city factories(higher pay). Grain are the most popular food and tea is the most popular drink. People of religious/ethnic groups wear special costumes and headgear(religion is very important), and the most popular religions are Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism. China's most popular sports are soccer, basketball, and table tennis. Going to school is important to China because it shows as a sign of reaching their goals. The Communist government made a change that woman are equal to men because it used to be men are more important. Coronavirus China's way of living The coronavirus has affected the holidays because there is now strict lockdowns due to major spr

way of life in trinidad and tobago

  Trinidad & Tobago love  the family-focused Trinis, the laid-back island culture, and the beautiful beaches. That being said, many ex-pats find dealing with bureaucracy a challenge, the pace of  life  frustrating, and the cost of housing, food, and cars much higher than expected.

Honduras way of life

In Honduras most rural Hondurans are poor peasants who own or rent small farms. These people have poor transportation and communication. They often are cut off from the life of the cities. Most rural Hondurans live in small houses made of adobe, boards, or poles, or of dirt and stones packed into a wooden frame. Honduras has few resources. Its economy is one of the least developed in Latin America, and many of the country's people live in poverty. Agriculture is one of the most important economic activities in Honduras. Much of the country's income comes from banana and coffee exports. Farmers also grow beans, corn, oranges, plantains, sugar cane, and tomatoes, also  Honduras is an important producer of palm oil. Beef and dairy cattle are raised the  highland valleys and southern grasslands. Coronavirus has effect Honduras by killing people in the age of 19-44                      

Cuba Way of Life

 Way of Life Most people living in Cuba live in urban areas. Many people that live in cities have jobs related to government agencies or government-owned businesses. Some have there own private businesses and are self employed. The people on the rural areas work on farms or sugar mills.  Some common foods people in Cuba eat are chicken, pork, rice, and beans. Rice and beans are the most common side dish for Cubans. One of the popular dishes is called "picadillo" which includes pork, ground beef, or veal mixed with garlic, tomatoes, onions, and other ingredients. Most Cubans favorite sport is Baseball which arrived in Cuba in the mid- to late 1800s, and rapidly became Cuba national pastime. Art in Cuba has distinguished tradition, the government of Cuba strongly supports art work. Paintings in Cuba are known for there strong colors, and portrayals of dramatic actions. citation: Kapcia, Antoni. "Cuba."  World Book Advanced , World Book, 2020,

belize way of life

  About 20 percent of Latin Americans live in small towns and villages, on farms and plantations, in mining camps, or on the outskirts of archaeological sites and beach resorts where they work. also,  Large cities in Latin America resemble those in the United States and Canada. Steel and glass skyscrapers rise in busy commercial and financial districts. Tall apartment buildings line broad boulevards. Owensby, Brian P., and Mary  Weismantel . "Latin America."  World Book Advanced , World Book, 2020, Accessed 19 Nov. 2020.

Argentina Way of Life

 Argentina lived in peace and there where different people who lived in Argentina and the language that Argentina us is Italian and Spanish and people but mostly people speak Spanish and Catholics (Roman) and Argentina is the second largest country and Agrentina has a lot of people who live there but mostly of the poplutaion lives in Buenos Aries and since way back in 1900 centuries Argentina used to do work out in the countryside and more edcaution was able to be more in the countryside. During the COVID-19 breakdown people in Argentina popluation went down and a lot of people have died and Argentina has fallen and people need to close shops and stories but that is a safe way so more people can get sick and get COVID and when the cases start to go down people can slowly reopen shops and stories and people can be safe but needing to wear a face mask for protection and so people don't get sick.

Nigeria Way of Life

      Nigeria Way of Life  Nigerian homes are made of grass, dried mud, or wood and have roofs of asbestos cement sheets, corrugated metal, or thatch.  A lower-class group of related families lives in each compound. Higher-class/or Well-to-do city dwellers in Nigeria live in modern houses or apartment buildings.   In the cities, many Nigerians wear clothing similar to that worn by North Americans and Europeans. But other city dwellers and most people in rural areas wear traditional clothing. Traditional garments for men and women in Nigeria include long, loose robes made of white or brightly colored fabrics. The men may also wear short, full jackets with shorts or trousers. Small round caps are popular head coverings for men, and Nigerian women often wear scarves tied like turbans.  Nigerian food is often cooked in palm oil or peanut oil, and it may be highly seasoned with red peppers. Some Nigerian meals feature beef, chicken, fish, or lamb. But in general, most Nigerians eat little m

India Way of life

Family life.   The number of  nuclear families  that is, households that consist of only parents and their children is increasing, especially in cities. Village life.  Most of India's people live in villages. Most villagers are farmers who work in nearby fields. A typical Indian village is a collection of mud-and-straw dwellings. Social structure.  Indians, especially Hindus, have traditionally been organized into social groups called  castes.  A person's caste determines his or her social status.  Food and drink.  Rice, wheat, and other grains rank among the chief foods of India.  Pulses,  which are the seeds of such pod vegetables as beans, chickpeas, and lentils, are also widely consumed. Education.  The Indian Constitution provides for free education for children from age 6 through 14. Nearly all Indian children receive some schooling, but only about half of those 10 years of age or older continue their education.  How did covid affect India way of life.  Thousands of poor

Australia way of life

 the gap bewteen rich and poor sudenely grew rapidly but australia isnt a state with poverty food they eat is mostly meat what type of meat you might ask beef.  c arter, D. (2020). Australia. In  World Book Advanced . Retrieved from some people say that coronavirus will be temporarily and minimum but mainly others think diffrent doing warning people of the virus and telling them to stay away.

Brazil way of life

Way of life Lifestyles in Brazil's urban areas differ greatly from those in its rural areas. Rows of impressive skyscrapers tower above busy downtown streets, and streams of cars and trucks jam wide expressways at rush hours. The poor include millions of unskilled and uneducated Brazilians who have moved from rural areas. Most of them earn low incomes, and many others are unemployed. Coronavirus Impact on Economy  According to news reporting out of Rio de Janeiro,  Brazil , by NewsRx editors, research stated, "The current recommendation for reducing person-to-person  Coronavirus  2019 (COVID-19) transmission is social distancing, including remote work and school, and home confinement." Cite Hanley, Anne G. "Brazil."  World Book Advanced , World Book, 2020, Accessed 19 Nov. 2020.   Findings in COVID-19 Reported from Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Covid-19 Quarantine: Impact of Lifestyle Behaviors Change

Brazil Government

  Country Economy Brazil is a republic with a strong national government. It has 26 states and 1 federal district. The federal district consists of Brasília, the capital. Coronavirus Impact on Economy According to the news reporters, the research concluded: "The level of concern about the financial  impact  of the stay-at-home orders and the COVID-19 pandemic was significantly greater for specialists and MScs than for PhDs. Cite Hanley, Anne G. "Brazil."  World Book Student , World Book, 2020, Accessed 13 Nov. 2020. APA: "Reports on COVID-19 Findings from Department of Orthodontics Provide New Insights (Urgencies and emergencies in orthodontics during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic: Brazilian orthodontists' experience)."  Women's Health Weekly , 12 Nov. 2020, p. 685.  Gale OneFile: High School Edition , .

India Government

      India Government is a democratic government. The government is located in new belhi. It constitution of legislative, executive, and judicial.     India has more then 450,000 cases of covid-19 so far it makes India the 4 worst hit country. Covid-19 affected the Government in India in different ways. 

Israel Government

 Government Background  Israel is a democratic republic. It has no written constitution in instead the follow "basic laws". These "Basic Laws are passed down by the Knesset, The Israeli parliament. The Knesset is a One house body that consists of 120 members. The members of The Knesset can only serve for a term that does not exceed 4 years. The Knesset participates in the formation of national polices, approves budgets and taxes, and passes legislation. All Israelis may vote as long as they are 18 or older. But unlike the US they do not cast ballots instead they vote for a party list. If a specific party vote receives 33% of a vote then there would be 40 seats. The Prime leader is the head of the Israeli government he is the leader of the party and controls most of the seats in the Knesset. He determines the topic of the meetings and has the final word in the policy decisions.    Government response to Covid - 19  Israels response to the pandemic Covid - 19 was to initia

South Korea Government

  Government Background South Korea is a republic. People elect the national government leaders. South Korean president(s) are elected for a single five-year term. The president who is the head of state and the country's most powerful official appoints a prime minister, serves as the president's chief executive. The National Assembly (South Korea legislature) has 300 members who are elected to four-year terms by voters 19 years and older. South Korea has nine provinces which are divided into two kinds of government, cities, and countries. With time South Korea politics has changed and reorganized. Bareun Party, the Democratic Party of Korea, the Justice Party, the United Future Party, and the Peoples Party are all the parties there. The Government Response to Covid-19 South Korean government has responded well to the virus. To prevent the virus from spreading furthermore Korea has had to test widespread, the ¨contacts of infected people were aggressively traced¨, and people wer

Japan Government

Government Background Japan is a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary government. the constitution, which took effect in 1947, guarantees many rights to the people, including freedom of religion, speech, and the press. It establishes three branches of government the executive, the legislative, and the judicial. all men and women age 18 and older are allowed to vote. j apan is divided into 47 political units called  prefectures.  the residents of each prefecture elect a governor and representatives to a prefectural legislative assembly. The residents of each city, town, and village also elect a mayor and a local council . Government Response to Covid-19 The COVID-19 pandemic has forced a number of countries to turn toward digital technologies to respond to the crisis. However, the inadequacy of e-government services in Japan has led to delays in the process of applying for subsidies and loans, creating confusion among those who made online applications to receive the benefit. At

The Government of Nigeria

Canda Background   Nigeria is divided into 36 states and the Federal Capital Territory of Abuja. Each state is governed by a House of Assembly and a governor. Assembly members and the governor are elected by the people to four-year terms. Nigeria's 36 states are divided into over 770 local government areas. Elected local government councils administer these areas. Government Response to Covid-19 Charles insists he had no reason to abandon cash-based transactions. But his views on internet banking and other e-payment channels changed drastically after the   Nigerian   government   implemented a five-week total economic lockdown in Lagos state, Ogun state, and Federal Capital Territory Abuja on March 30 due to the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic. In an emailed note to customers, Access Bank said 2020 has redefined how people live and do business amidst the Covid-19 pandemic. "Fortunately, with the improvements on our mobile, internet banking, most of your everyday financial tr

China Government

Government Background The Communist Party s the biggest group of the governme nt, but it only takes up 6 percent of the population in their country .  The Communist Party's constitution states that the National Party Congress and the Central Committee are the most important bodies, but they have little real power.   China has 33 major political divisions-22 provinces, 5  autonomous  regions, 4 nationally governed municipalities, and 2 special administrative regions.  The National people's Congress is the highest government authority.  The highest court in China is the Supreme People's Court.  The armed forces hold enormous political power in the People's Republic of China . This means China is a communist country. Government Response to Covid-19 China government is lying by saying  coronavirus spread in their country is not increasing, and they are stockpiling medical supplies.  China has access to a wide array of raw materials necessary in establishing a production lin