
Today's Assignment

December 2nd Assignment

  Day Six Assignment - Quality of Life Data What is the demographic data of your country and what does it indicate about the QOL? Directions: Open and start a new post Title your Blog [country name] and QOL Data ex: Canada QOL Data On the right side under labels, it says "separate labels by commas". In this box, write the name of your country (double check the spelling). Part 1: Country QOL Data Record the Data of your country. → Use .  → Choose “Please select a country to view”.  → Once you have selected your country you can find the information in the sections “People and Society” and “Economy” Record all the necessary information (below) Birth rate Death rate Infant mortality rate Life expectancy Literacy rate GDP per capita Cite the the websites used Part 2: Quality of Life Analysis Write a paragraph explaining if the Quality of Life (QOL) is low, high, or average. Compare your data to t

Trinidad and Tobago Economy

  Trinidad and Tobago’s economic freedom score is 58.3, making it's economy the 109th freest in the 2020 Index. Its overall score has increased by 1.3 points due to higher scores for property rights and government integrity. Trinidad and Tobago are ranked 21st among 32 countries in the Americas region, and its overall score is below the regional and world averages. The economy of Trinidad and Tobago fell from the ranks of the moderately free in 2018 and remains in the mostly unfree category in 2020. Economic growth has been correspondingly slow. Two events in 2019 highlight the impediments to greater economic freedom in Trinidad and Tobago. The minister for public administration was dismissed in mid-August following her arrest on corruption charges. That was a blow to an already weak reputation for government integrity. In addition, a mid-year budget review for the fiscal year 2018–2019 projected a wider fiscal deficit, which will likely further erode the country’s already poor fis

Chile's Government

 Chile's government Is good but they had like a type of problem with their president.

Argentina's Government

Government BackGround Argentina has 23 provinces and has elected governer and legislature and it's own constitution in which resembles the national Constitution and elected major and city coucil govern Buenos Aries Federal District. Government Response to COVID-19  During the COIVD-19 people in Argentina were not safe and the government of Argentina needed to shut down everything and they needed to closed stories and places so no one can enter or get sick.

Trinidad and Tobago Quality of life

There are no much data for  Trinidad  And Tobago. ... Quality of Life  in  Trinidad  And Tobago. Purchasing Power Index 39.59 Very Low Health Care Index 53.76 Moderate Climate Index 67.55 High Cost of  Living  Index 55.96 Low Property Price to Income Ratio 7.84 Moderate

Chile Economy

 Chile"s economy is not very wealthy but not poor either.. They are not suffering from it but they dont have alot of power either. They are just right.

Argentina Economy

Argentina has a heavey population and some people live in Buenos Aries and it's suburbs and there regions of the country and the climate and terrain are sparsley populated and this was before COVID-19 went all over the world and people got sick After COVID-19 went around the world and people started to wear face masks but people were getting sick in Argentina and people could not live to see this damage in Argentina and people keep getting sick and they have to stay home and not going outside so you don't get sick and they need to close all buildings

Brazil Quality of Life Data

Brazil Demographic Data Birth rate - 13.6 Death rate - 6.9 Infant mortality rate - 15.9 Life expectancy- 74.7 Literacy rate- 93.2 GDP per capita-15,600     Brazil Quality of Life Brazil has an average quality of life the birth and infant mortality rate are high.The birth and infant mortality rate  are both higher than the world average which is bad because no access to birth control or medicine for young children.A low death rate could be caused by low war and violence.A high birth and infant mortality rate could be caused by not much of a medicine care.There is a high life expectancy which mean there is less war and violence going around.And there is a high literacy and GDP per capita which tells us that there is high eduction system. Citations “The World Factbook: Brazil.”  Central Intelligence Agency , Central Intelligence Agency, 1 Feb. 2018,